JS Air Conditioning Blog

Never realized how loud these birds were without AC to petrify them

Never realized how loud these birds were without AC to petrify them

In the absence of my continually running cooling system, I realized something new… Earlier this year I moved into a current home, plus I couldn’t be happier with the decision that I made, in hindsight. For a while I was looking to purchase my own house, however it seemed impossible to put in an offer

Back up boiler plus cooling system units, just in case

Back up boiler plus cooling system units, just in case

I know, everybody is a little bit crazy right now. I’m doing my best to keep my head out of the viral cloud, plus to apply my brain energy to constructive outlets. Otherwise, people are left alone with their news replaces plus paranoia. It makes folks start to go a bit batty. I do not

This furnace needs a quick repair

This furnace needs a quick repair

With sickness on everybody’s brains right now, it’s no wonder that all of the stores are sold out of cold and flu medicine. Everybody thinks that they are sick on a biweekly basis. Every woman in my life has confessed to me that they thought they had a sore throat, a cough, or a fever

Thought I had a fever, but it was the heater splitting

Thought I had a fever, but it was the heater splitting

With sickness on everybody’s brains right now, it’s no wonder that all of the stores are sold out of cold and flu medicine. Everybody thinks that they are sick on a yearly basis. Every person in my life has admitted to me that they thought they had a sore throat, a cough, or a fever

Normally I would adjust the temperature control, afraid of contamination

Normally I would adjust the temperature control, afraid of contamination

I’m the sort of person who has almost endless focus if I have the right environment. I am not plagued with ADD or general social media distraction like numerous other humans these days. I am entirely great at resting down, applying my brain to one task, and laboring on it until every detail has been

Too much time at home during uneven outdoor rapidly changing temperatures

Too much time at home during uneven outdoor rapidly changing temperatures

We’ve been going back plus forth between our heating plus cooling programs for over a week, plus I’m getting genuinely sad for the safety of our indoor air handling plan This entirely isn’tthe best time to be worrying about harshly high utility bills. Everybody is feeling the same sense of uncertainty plus financial unrest right

Thought I had a fever, however it was the boiler chopping

Thought I had a fever, however it was the boiler chopping

With sickness on everybody’s brains right now, it’s no wonder that all of the stores are sold out of cold plus flu medicine. Everybody thinks that they are sick on a biweekly basis. Every man in my life has confessed to me that they thought they had a sore throat, a cough, or a fever

Normally I would adjust the control unit, afraid of contamination

Normally I would adjust the control unit, afraid of contamination

I’m the sort of man who has almost endless focus if I have the right environment. I’m not plagued with ADD or general social media distraction like various other humans these afternoons. I’m genuinely fantastic at standing down, applying my brain to one task, plus toiling on it until every detail has been completed. That

The temperatures here are wild

The temperatures here are wild

This certainly is not the best time to be worrying about seriously high utility bills. Everybody is feeling the same sense of uncertainty and financial unrest right now. The economy is not looking great and a lot of industries are currently tanking thanks to this silly pandemic. As such, almost everyone is hanging on to

First time I skipped service I needed a repair

First time I skipped service I needed a repair

Everything you read online says that you need to get regular service on your HVAC equipment. I usually am quite good about routine service. I would get my AC system checked out every spring and the furnace in the fall. In Terrell, Texas you need both heating and cooling sadly. I had a Terrel, Texas